Tuesday, July 13, 2010

skipping ahead to today

Like most things I do,, I start them late or last minute. Kind of like how I am trying to have a baby , no let me wait to the last possible moment. I want to get every drop of freedom out first. No , I am not going to marry you, what if somebody else comes along ? I am the classic last minute girl, papers last minute, lessons planned last minute, shopping last minute, leave the house last minute, should I get married ?, typical last minute stuff. So even this blog is last minute. I did not start it right away, I thought about it. For about 2 years.
So I find myself torn sometimes. " I really need to write about what happens next, but I really want to tell you what happened today".
This is my classic writing issue, so many ideas in the head, but I wait till the last minute to write them down, then I dont know which one I should write first.
Then of course, I dont write at all because I cant decide which too do, I'll wait.
So I am going to wait now, take a nap and come back later, see ya then.

1 comment:

  1. damn, think I once again, hit "send" before I was done. I was saying that I think the most creative thinking, and therefore the most creative output is non-linear. You can write about what happened twenty seconds ago or twenty years ago. Doesn't matter. You are creative and your writing/speaking/thinking is compelling. Go to it!
