Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Goals

A common line in my standup and in life is ,, what do you like about teaching, and I say , "July and August".  Yes it is the truth, but for so many reasons.  Of course I need a break from the insanity of the DOE.  The summer is a  chance to recharge and come back  refreshed and ready to teach.    I also love July and August because it gives me a chance to catch up with my other career.  Hence the summer goals.  I did this because one summer I had none, and I went crazy !  No big adventure, nothing major in comedy, no personal fix, like weight loss.  So I drank heavily, not really a good summer.  In fact I don't really remember much of it .What I do remember is late August I was depressed, fatter and sweatier.    Being a Spinster I have no one to answer to, so if you do not set your own personal rules, who do you have to answer to ,, no one.  I see that as a blessing and a curse.  Now September -June what gets me out of bed ?  Children , not mine,  my students.  I always have this repeated nightmare of not waking up on time and thousands of children standing in front of my classroom with their arms crossed tapping their feeting, all shouting, at many different times,, " your late Ms., where were you "   Who needs an alarm clock.  During the summer , there is no one, kicking me out of bed at a set time,, so that could lead into a dangerous abyss of late nights staring at facebook, early mornings staring at facebook, long hot afternoons staring at facebook.  The opposite side is that I dont stop working and  be the industrious Protestant that I am, work , work, work and more work.  Then in September go back to work, exhausted.  One year I made so many goals, I got tired just looking at them on paper.  So I downsized my hefty goals so I can also have some fun.  Yes being a Spinster, you must always have fun , the number #1 rule,  People depend on their single friends to have fun. While they are arguing with their spouses to pick up their shit, or yelling at their kids,  "that's what we are eating for dinner, if you don't like it, too bad"  .  Spinsters need to go and have fun for the rest of us.  You tell us to. " well you must go out and have fun, you don't have a husband or children to answer to".  Ok so fun is a Spinster given, a must, it is our duty.  I will always do my duty.
Right now ,
the main things in my life would be :
stage time/performing
So this is my Summer Goal:
 everyday I have to do something from each category, and my mom told me I need to add another category, called " get rid of that s**t in your house".  Add the most important, to  enjoy myself !

I am not going to finish my book
I am not going to lose 30 lbs
I am not going to be on stage every day
I am not going to be in a healthy relationship. 

I say that this summer because I need to remind myself that it is also my vacation.
Those 3 are my long term goals,  NOT  my summer goals
but I will-
work on my book and work on getting more published
exercise, cause I simply just don't now
go into the city, hangout and network at clubs
and to be open to more possibilities of love

 One of the perks  about being single, you only need to consider you  when making plans .  Enjoy .
Check one of my goals off my list today !