Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Eddie Izzard Education

10 years ago.
It was the last day of classes and I need to entertain my Global Sophomore history class. I decided to show Eddie Izzard's "Dressed to Kill" . I figured it would be good, the kids are fried from prepping all week for the Global Regents, getting kids to work on the last day of classes is impossible and Eddie does a great bit on Western Civ., so this will be perfect.
I thought about the cursing ( kids is it ok that Eddie says the F word a few times ? ),
Comments the first few minutes from the kids
Ms. He is not from here is he ?
Ms. Is that English ?
Ms. Whats with the lipstick ?
Ms. Is he gay?
I say, "No kids he is a transvestite , he likes women."
He's gay Ms.
That gay guy is funny Ms.
I shout, "Transvestite ! An action transvestite !" Whatever they're listening !
So the kids are listening, laughing, I am hero, problem solved .
Then my Assistant Principal walks by.
He sees the kids laughing and calls me out to the hall way.
He says, " What are you doing ? Why are they not studying , they have a regents tomorrow"
I say, " Look they are fried, we have been working all month on the regents, plus Eddie does a great bit on Western Civ "
He walks away shaking his head, and then I start to worry.
Wow, I don't have tenure, maybe I should of studied, what if if they all fail the regents.
What if they go home and tell their parents that we did not study, instead we watched some guy who wears lipstick and drops the f word a lot. !
I break into a sweat, kids we need to study !
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They revolt ! This guy is great !
I decide to stand ground with the kids and kept Eddie on, hell I could go back to waitressing if need be. Plus when parents ask their kids what they did in school, they always say, "nothing" .
The next day the kids take the Global regents.
I am standing in the history office and this kid Peter runs up to the office , and right in front of me and my boss he says,
"Ms. thanks for showing that comic, I remembered everything ! "
Im teaching Global again this year, I think I need to bring in that tape.